Serving Military Families With God's Love.

PCSing your Military Family

Wednesday, March 13th, 2024

Moving in 3 Easy Steps–PCSing Your Family

Permanent Change of Station–PCSing

1. When packing make 3 piles; KEEP, GIVE AWAY, or THROW AWAY. Declutter now, if you haven’t used it in six months, chances are you won’t.

2. Use construction paper to color code boxes according to the room. Label main items in the box, that way you’ll know what to unpack first. When you move, tape the correct color paper to the door-frame of the right room. The boxes end up where they belong.

3. Pack bedding and kids’ favorite toys in car. You won’t have to dig in boxes to find them and everyone will sleep tight that first night in your new home.

P.S. Penkse, SMF’ Founding Partner, offers military discounts.  Use code: MILITARY* to receive a 15% discount off your truck rental.

Support Military Spouses Featured on

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

Support Military Spouses had the honor and privilege to be featured on SMS was contacted by Terri Peters, a Contributor, in order to be interviewed to help provide more information on ways to help military families during their loved ones deployment. SMS is thrilled to be featured in such an empowering article and to be quoted alongside those that are currently a spouse, active duty, or are now a Veteran.

Diane Rumley, Co-Founder of Support Military Spouses, was quoted in two parts of the article, the quotes can be found in #3 and #5 of the article. The topic for #3 is “Be careful what you say.”
“It may seem obvious, but the number one complaint spouses have is to please not ask things such as, ‘Has your spouse been shot?’ or ‘Have they seen any action?’ The last thing the spouse wants to think about is combat,” said Rumley. “The second biggest complaint is when people ask, ‘Do you enjoy your husband being gone?’ or say, ‘You’re lucky to have that time away from him.’”

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Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Friday, May 1st, 2015

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Support Military Spouses recognizes and applauds the undaunted courage of military wives and husbands as they shoulder the responsibility of family, employment, finances, wounded warrior care, and the honoring of fallen heroes.

Military Spouse Appreciation Day was first celebrated in 1984 when then-President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the observance to honor the contributions of military spouses. The military now sets aside the Friday before Mother’s Day each year to pay tribute to the spouses who play a vital role in the nation’s defense

Support Military Spouses uses Military Spouse Appreciation Day to honor military spouses by giving Shoebox Gifts, now known as Military Spouse Care Packages.  Now, thousands of spouses are receiving Care Packages from Support Military Spouses.

It is with tremendous appreciation that Support Military Spouses recognizes and honors military spouses throughout the year, but especially on Military Spouse Appreciation Day.

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